3D Bioprinting

The Model Library

Nanoscribe Lines

The Model Library is a dynamic repository for accessing ready-to-print models for CELLINK and Nanoscribe products.

The Model Library is a collaborative effort from CELLINK and Nanoscribe to provide users with models, articles, and additional information in order to reduce the time spent prepping files and more time conducting experiments. The articles and models within the Model Library are all interlinked and regularly updated as users publish and as we receive feedback. Our aim to connect users and build an inclusive atmosphere where users can access verified models, either tested and validated in-house by CELLINK and Nanoscribe or published by other users in peer-reviewed journals.

Help Us Expand the Library !

The Model Library is currently in the early stages of development. We have included models relevant for Quantum X bio (and by extension Quantum X shape) customers. We are looking to expand and include models printed by our users. If you have a model you would like added to the library or an article idea that will help other users, then please follow the instructions below.

1. Write an email to Nanoscribe Support (support@nanoscribe.com), and please introduce yourself with name, title(s), and affiliation (department, institution, and if relevant, principle investigator)

2. In the email, please include either or both a high resolution .STL file and/or .STEP file

3. Also include a short summary describing the model and relevant printing parameters, including but not limited to material(s), print settings, development process, post-processing, and experimental results

4. If there is a publication associated with the model, please indicate if (A) this model is similar to a previous publication but without copyright restrictions or (B) this model has copyright restrictions because it was directly used in a publication; this is important for us to make sure we comply with journal and copyright regulations
4.a If the model was published in an arXiv (e.g. bioRxiv) paper or pre-print paper, please let us know
4.b. If the model was published in a journal or jointly created, we also need the name(s) of co-authors (including affiliations, titles, etc.) with statements that they also agree to have the model hosted

5. It may take some time before the submitted model appears on the library as we check the model files (e.g. for mesh defects), copyrights, etc. If the model is accepted, the submitted author will receive a notification

3D Bioprinting

The Model Library

The Model Library is a dynamic repository for accessing ready-to-print models for CELLINK and Nanoscribe products.

The Model Library is a collaborative effort from CELLINK and Nanoscribe to provide users with models, articles, and additional information in order to reduce the time spent prepping files and more time conducting experiments. The articles and models within the Model Library are all interlinked and regularly updated as users publish and as we receive feedback. Our aim to connect users and build an inclusive atmosphere where users can access verified models, either tested and validated in-house by CELLINK and Nanoscribe or published by other users in peer-reviewed journals.

Help Us Expand the Library !

The Model Library is currently in the early stages of development. We have included models relevant for Quantum X bio (and by extension Quantum X shape) customers. We are looking to expand and include models printed by our users. If you have a model you would like added to the library or an article idea that will help other users, then please follow the instructions below.

1. Write an email to Nanoscribe Support (support@nanoscribe.com), and please introduce yourself with name, title(s), and affiliation (department, institution, and if relevant, principle investigator)

2. In the email, please include either or both a high resolution .STL file and/or .STEP file

3. Also include a short summary describing the model and relevant printing parameters, including but not limited to material(s), print settings, development process, post-processing, and experimental results

4. If there is a publication associated with the model, please indicate if (A) this model is similar to a previous publication but without copyright restrictions or (B) this model has copyright restrictions because it was directly used in a publication; this is important for us to make sure we comply with journal and copyright regulations
4.a If the model was published in an arXiv (e.g. bioRxiv) paper or pre-print paper, please let us know
4.b. If the model was published in a journal or jointly created, we also need the name(s) of co-authors (including affiliations, titles, etc.) with statements that they also agree to have the model hosted

5. It may take some time before the submitted model appears on the library as we check the model files (e.g. for mesh defects), copyrights, etc. If the model is accepted, the submitted author will receive a notification

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