At this moment, NanoGuide contains more than 120 articles. They are organized within selected sections and topics can also be easily found by keyword searching. The articles are interlinked, so one topic can lead you to a related one. We continue to develop videos and other types of illustrations to overcome language or comprehension barriers.
NanoGuide provides information about our 3D printers, including special hardware details and options, smart software tips, an explanation of solution sets as well as cleaning and maintenance advice. As we also develop and sell proprietary printing materials, the properties and technical data of our IP Photoresins can also be found here. Moreover, one of the most exciting categories is probably the one about printing processes and workflows.
1. Follow the link below to go to the NanoGuide
2. In the top right corner, submit a request to receive an account with log-in information
2.a Please be aware that the NanoGuide is exclusive to customers with access to a Nanoscribe instrument (Photonic Professional GTs and Quantum Xs)
2.b When requesting an instrument, if prompted, please include your Principle Investigator’s name, Department, and Institution
3.Please wait till you receive an email with log in information; this may take up to 24 hours before receiving an email
4. After receiving the email with account information, you will have access to the NanoGuide articles